1. Li-eelaafi quraish لِإِيلَافِ قُرَيْشٍ For the covenants (of security and safeguard enjoyed) by the Quraish, |
2. Eelaafihim rihlatash shitaaa'i wassaif إِيلَافِهِمْ رِحْلَةَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْفِ Their covenants (covering) journeys by winter and summer,- |
3. Faly'abudoo rabba haazal-bait فَلْيَعْبُدُوا رَبَّ هَٰذَا الْبَيْتِ Let them adore the Lord of this House, |
4. Allazeee at'amahum min joo'inw-wa-aamanahum min khawf الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُمْ مِنْ جُوعٍ وَآمَنَهُمْ مِنْ خَوْفٍ Who provides them with food against hunger, and with security against fear (of danger). |
Recitation by Mishary Al-Alfasy
The word ilaf, as used in the original is from alf which means to be
habituated and accustomed to be reunited after breaking up, and to adopt
something as a habit. About the lam that is prefixed to ilaf, some Arabists have
expressed the opinion that it is to express surprise and wonder. Thus, Li-ilaf-i
Quraish-in means: How surprising is the conduct of Quraish! It is only by virtue
of Allah’s bounty that they are reunited after their dispersion and have become
accustomed to the trade journeys which have brought them their prosperity, and
yet from Allah’s worship and service they are turning away. This is the opinion
of Akhfash, Kisai and Farra, and holding this opinion as preferable Ibn Jarir
writes: When the Arabs mention something after this lam, the same thing itself
is regarded as sufficient to show that the attitude and conduct a person has
adopted in spite of it, is surprising and amazing. On the contrary, Khalil bin
Ahmad, Sibawaih and Zamakhshari say that this is the lam of talil and it relates
to the following sentence: Fa-ya budu Rabba hadh al-Bait, which means: Allah’s
blessings on the Quraish are countless. But if for no other blessing, they
should worship Allah at least for this blessing that by His bounty they became
accustomed to the trade journeys, for this by itself is indeed a great favor of
Allah to them.
That is, the trade journeys. In summer the Quraish
travelled northward to Syria and Palestine, for they are cool lands, and in
winter southward to Yaman, etc. for they are warm.
This House: the Holy
Kabah. The sentence means that the Quraish have attained to this blessing only
by virtue of the House of Allah. They themselves acknowledge that the 360 idols,
which they worship, are not its lord, but Allah alone is its Lord. He alone
saved them from the invasion of the army of elephants. Him alone they had
invoked for help against Abrahah’s army. It was His House the keeping of which
enhanced their rank and position in Arabia, for before that they were dispersed
and commanded no position whatever. Like the common Arab tribes, they too were
scattered factions of a race. But when they rallied round this House in Makkah
and began to serve it, they became, honorable throughout Arabia, and their trade
caravans began to visit every part of the country fearlessly. Therefore,
whatever they have achieved, it has been possible only by the help of the Lord
of this House; therefore, they should worship Him alone.
The allusion
implies that before the Quraish came to Makkah, they were a scattered people in
Arabia and living miserable lives. After their gathering together in Makkah they
began to prosper, and the Prophet Abraham’s (peace be upon him) prayer for them
was literally fulfilled when he had prayed: Lord, I have settled some of my
descendents in a barren valley near Thy sacred House. Lord, I have done this in
the hope that they will establish salat there. So turn the hearts of the people
towards them, and provide fruits for their food. (Surah Ibrahim, Ayat 37).
Secure against fear: Secure from the fear from which no one anywhere in
Arabia was safe. There was no settlement anywhere in the country the people of
which could sleep peacefully at night, for they feared an attack any time from
any quarter by some unknown enemy. No one could step out of the bounds of his
tribe for fear of life or of being taken prisoner and made a slave. No caravan
could travel safely from fear of attack, or without bribing influential chiefs
of the tribes on the way for safe conduct. But the Quraish were immune from
every danger; they had no fear of an attack from an enemy. Their caravans, small
or big, freely passed on the trade routes everywhere in the country. As soon as
it became known about a certain caravan that it belonged to the keepers of the
Kabah, no one could dare touch it with an evil intention, so much so that even
if a single Quraishite was passing on the way, he was allowed to pass unharmed
and untouched as soon as the word hara-mi or ana min hara-millah” was heard from